Our data will help medical workers understand the proper use and performance of masks (e.g., the importance of fitting masks and avoiding their reuse) and to determine whether they need additional protective equipment (e.g., a negative-pressure room or positive-pressure masks) to protect themselves from infected patients.
出典: 新型コロナウイルスの空気伝播に対するマスクの防御効果(東京大学医科学研究所)
英語: https://msphere.asm.org/content/5/5/e00637-20.full (CC BY 4.0)
日本語: https://www.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/imsut/jp/about/press... ※上記引用箇所に対応する日本語文なし
Most patients will recover at this stage with supportive intravenous fluids and oxygen via a mask or an external positive pressure mask.
出典: 新型コロナウイルスの空気伝播に対するマスクの防御効果(東京大学医科学研究所)
英語: https://msphere.asm.org/content/5/5/e00637-20.full (CC BY 4.0)
日本語: https://www.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/imsut/jp/about/press... ※上記引用箇所に対応する日本語文なし
Most patients will recover at this stage with supportive intravenous fluids and oxygen via a mask or an external positive pressure mask.