Until then, South Korea was — just like Singapore — testing people found through contact tracing. But faced with an explosive outbreak within a group that has more than 200,000 worshipers, Korean officials rapidly pivoted to a strategy known as community testing: it compelled church leaders to hand over a list of its members and began testing them all, regardless of whether they showed symptoms or had had contact with an infected person.
In efforts to provide more testing opportunities for San Bernardino County residents, community testing events are being held throughout the county.
During a briefing Tuesday, Wisconsin Adjutant Gen. Paul Knapp said a total of 750 national guard soldiers and airmen are collecting samples from community testing sites and facilities like nursing homes and meatpacking plants where outbreaks have occurred.
"We have ongoing testing sites set up at multiple locations in Milwaukee, at the Resch Center in Green Bay, at factories and food processors in Racine in Grant County," said Knapp. "Just today, we established another site at a meat packing plant in Kenosha County, another community-based testing site in Burnett County and another factory site in Crawford County."
In efforts to provide more testing opportunities for San Bernardino County residents, community testing events are being held throughout the county.
During a briefing Tuesday, Wisconsin Adjutant Gen. Paul Knapp said a total of 750 national guard soldiers and airmen are collecting samples from community testing sites and facilities like nursing homes and meatpacking plants where outbreaks have occurred.
"We have ongoing testing sites set up at multiple locations in Milwaukee, at the Resch Center in Green Bay, at factories and food processors in Racine in Grant County," said Knapp. "Just today, we established another site at a meat packing plant in Kenosha County, another community-based testing site in Burnett County and another factory site in Crawford County."
Community testing自体は、下記のように、COVID-19とは関係なく以前からあったもので、今回の新型コロナウイルスに伴って出てきた新しい手法・概念というわけではない。
Community testing自体は、下記のように、COVID-19とは関係なく以前からあったもので、今回の新型コロナウイルスに伴って出てきた新しい手法・概念というわけではない。
- Community testing for fibrosis severity (EASL, September 2018)
- Community HIV Testing and Screening (Rural Health Information Hub)