a[the] second wave
※「新型コロナウイルス感染(症)の第二派」は "a second wave of COVID-19 infections" が多いようだ(... of the coronavirus infectionsよりも)。
※「新型コロナウイルス感染(症)の第二派」は "a second wave of COVID-19 infections" が多いようだ(... of the coronavirus infectionsよりも)。
Coronavirus: Could there be a second wave?
※BBC Newsの映像クリップ見出し。映像冒頭でキャスターが "Will there be a second wave of Covid-19 infections?" と述べている。ちなみに映像概要部分には "the best ways to avoid second or even third waves of Covid-19 infections" との記述もある(無冠詞)。
New covid-19 infections in Germany are now consistently below 500 a day. But as German states lift restrictions they must try to prevent a second wave. Masks are compulsory on public transport and in shops, and social-distancing rules remain in place (if often ignored).
Much has been said about a second wave of Covid-19 but so far it has not happened in any country easing its lockdown.
Health officials have long been warning of a second wave of coronavirus cases to come sometime in the fall, but a global spike may come even sooner.
"People say that's a very distinct possibility, it's standard," Trump said when asked about a second wave during a tour of a Ford factory in Michigan.
He defined a second wave thus: “There will be a first wave of the disease by itself, and then it recurs months later, and that may be a reality for many countries in a number of months’ time.” He warned Brazil, No. 2 behind the U.S. with the most cases, not to relax measures until it has more testing.
※He = Mike Ryan, executive director of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Program and former epidemiologist specializing in infectious disease and public health
Earlier this month, India extended its lockdown for another two weeks amid growing concerns that if nations ease restrictions too soon, the world may well see a second wave of infections.
A second wave is more or less inevitable. "This virus may just become another endemic virus in our communities," said Dr. Mike Ryan of the World Health Organization at a press conference streamed live on May 13. "This virus may never go away."
Some, like tuberculosis, make a comeback, and history shows that a second wave of a pandemic can be worse than the first.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau acknowledged Thursday that his government expects a second wave of COVID-19 to sweep through the country at some point. "One of the things we know is that in pandemics, there are usually second waves," he said at his daily press briefing.
Medical experts are also increasingly of the view that a second wave of COVID-19 infections spreading across Canada is a question of when, not if.
... as public-gathering limits are increased and other COVID-19-inspired restrictions are relaxed, experts are warning that there is not enough information available to prove that returning to some degree of normalcy is safe – or to alert us to the arrival of a second wave.
While much of the public discussion has centred on the idea of a second wave hitting in the fall – when colder weather sends Canadians back indoors, where it is easy for the virus to spread – Fisman said it could happen anytime.
※BBC Newsの映像クリップ見出し。映像冒頭でキャスターが "Will there be a second wave of Covid-19 infections?" と述べている。ちなみに映像概要部分には "the best ways to avoid second or even third waves of Covid-19 infections" との記述もある(無冠詞)。
New covid-19 infections in Germany are now consistently below 500 a day. But as German states lift restrictions they must try to prevent a second wave. Masks are compulsory on public transport and in shops, and social-distancing rules remain in place (if often ignored).
Much has been said about a second wave of Covid-19 but so far it has not happened in any country easing its lockdown.
Health officials have long been warning of a second wave of coronavirus cases to come sometime in the fall, but a global spike may come even sooner.
"People say that's a very distinct possibility, it's standard," Trump said when asked about a second wave during a tour of a Ford factory in Michigan.
He defined a second wave thus: “There will be a first wave of the disease by itself, and then it recurs months later, and that may be a reality for many countries in a number of months’ time.” He warned Brazil, No. 2 behind the U.S. with the most cases, not to relax measures until it has more testing.
※He = Mike Ryan, executive director of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Program and former epidemiologist specializing in infectious disease and public health
Earlier this month, India extended its lockdown for another two weeks amid growing concerns that if nations ease restrictions too soon, the world may well see a second wave of infections.
A second wave is more or less inevitable. "This virus may just become another endemic virus in our communities," said Dr. Mike Ryan of the World Health Organization at a press conference streamed live on May 13. "This virus may never go away."
Some, like tuberculosis, make a comeback, and history shows that a second wave of a pandemic can be worse than the first.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau acknowledged Thursday that his government expects a second wave of COVID-19 to sweep through the country at some point. "One of the things we know is that in pandemics, there are usually second waves," he said at his daily press briefing.
Medical experts are also increasingly of the view that a second wave of COVID-19 infections spreading across Canada is a question of when, not if.
... as public-gathering limits are increased and other COVID-19-inspired restrictions are relaxed, experts are warning that there is not enough information available to prove that returning to some degree of normalcy is safe – or to alert us to the arrival of a second wave.
While much of the public discussion has centred on the idea of a second wave hitting in the fall – when colder weather sends Canadians back indoors, where it is easy for the virus to spread – Fisman said it could happen anytime.
‘The second wave will come’ and experts say Canada is not prepared
"The second wave will come, but how acute it is or how large it rises so it doesn't overwhelm our health-care system needs to be considered," Dr. Sandy Buchman, the president of the Canadian Medical Association, told CTV News Channel on Thursday.
“Unlike South Korea, the UK has already had a wide range of community infections, and when reopened, the second wave is very likely,” says Jung.
Singapore had coronavirus under control. Then the second wave hit
Beware of the second wave of COVID-19
※The LancetのComment記事のタイトル。
"The second wave will come, but how acute it is or how large it rises so it doesn't overwhelm our health-care system needs to be considered," Dr. Sandy Buchman, the president of the Canadian Medical Association, told CTV News Channel on Thursday.
“Unlike South Korea, the UK has already had a wide range of community infections, and when reopened, the second wave is very likely,” says Jung.
Singapore had coronavirus under control. Then the second wave hit
Beware of the second wave of COVID-19
※The LancetのComment記事のタイトル。
For a second wave to occur, cases of coronavirus first have to decline across the world to a "very low level" and then pick back up again "a number of months later", he said. ... "Right now, we're not in the second wave. We're right in the middle of the first wave globally."
※He = WHO executive director Mike Ryan
※He = WHO executive director Mike Ryan
- 北九州市で新型コロナウイルスの新規感染者が再び増え始め、「第2波」への警戒が強まっている。 (2020/05/27, 日本経済新聞) ※記事本文より。初出個所だからか、カギカッコつき。
- 北九州市で再び新型コロナウイルスの感染確認が続いていることを受け、北橋健治市長は26日の記者会見で、「第2波の入り口に立っている。一人一人が感染拡大の可能性があるという危機意識を改めて持ち、不要不急の外出の自粛をお願いしたい」と訴えた。(2020/05/26, 共同通信) ※掲載は日本経済新聞。記事本文より。発言引用部分で既にカギカッコを使ってあるせいか、カギカッコなし。
- 新型コロナウイルスに対応した緊急事態宣言がすべての都道府県で解除されたことを受け、日本医師会(日医)の横倉義武会長は26日の会見で「緊急事態宣言下の医療体制について早急に議論して構築する場を設ける必要がある」と述べた。感染の「第2波」に見舞われることを前提に、より効果的な医療体制をつくるよう政府に求めた。 (2020/05/26, 朝日新聞) ※記事本文より。記事内で一度しか使われていないが、カギカッコつき。
- 首相は25日の会見で「流行をほぼ収束できた」と述べました。しかし感染は完全に収まっておらず、次の感染の波がいつどのように起きるか予断を許しません。第2波への備えを急ぐことが不可欠です。 (2020/05/27, しんぶん赤旗) ※記事本文より。カギカッコなし。
- 今後は経済活動を徐々に再開させつつ、第二波の影に怯える不安定な日々が続く。 (2020/05/21, NEWSポストセブン) ※記事本文より。
- 大阪市の市立十三市民病院(大阪市淀川区)が、22日にも新型コロナウイルス患者の専門病院として稼働する。感染者数が再び増加に転じる「第2波」が起きた場合の砦となるが、医療従事者のサポートや風評被害の防止が課題となる。 (2020/05/18, 読売新聞) ※記事本文より。
- 感染拡大の「第2波」も懸念されるが、吉村洋文知事は会議後の記者会見で、「二度三度と同じ波がきた時に休業要請をする必要があるのか冷静に分析しないと、府民の生活が持たない」と述べた。 (2020/05/28, 毎日新聞) ※記事本文より。
- [公式サイトでも「長期間にわたる打ち合わせ・リハーサル・設営などの準備を行っていく過程では、3密の状況は避けられず、現在懸念されております感染拡大の第二波が起こる可能性も考えられます」と説明。 (2020/05/24, 毎日新聞) ※SEKAI NO OWARI(ロックバンド)公式サイト掲載のステートメントの引用。
- 政府は首都圏1都3県と北海道における新型コロナウイルスに関する緊急事態宣言について、25日に全面解除する方針を固めた。過剰対策の感が強い宣言が月末の期限前に解除されるのは喜ばしいが、重要なのは感染・第二波への対応だ。過剰対応が繰り返されてはならない。 (2020/05/25, Yahoo!ニュース個人, 窪園博俊・時事通信社解説委員) ※有料記事だが、誰でも閲覧できる冒頭部分より。唐突なナカグロ、「対策」と「対応」のユレなど、用語を厳密に扱っているという印象は持てないが、横書きメディアでの漢数字使用の例。