overwhelm the health system[hospitals, etc]
※主語は疾患名だったり、「患者」だったり、「増加 a rise in cases」だったりといろいろ。
※overwhelmの目的語(「医療」)はthe health system, hospitals, hospital bedsなどいろいろ。
※主語は疾患名だったり、「患者」だったり、「増加 a rise in cases」だったりといろいろ。
※overwhelmの目的語(「医療」)はthe health system, hospitals, hospital bedsなどいろいろ。
The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) expects COVID-19 will “almost certainly overwhelm the health system,” as a recent model suggests serious cases will exceed current capacity for ICU beds and ventilators.
Late Wednesday, vice-president elect William Lai, who was a physician before entering politics, appealed on his Facebook page for calm, pointing out that lockdowns were for when there was a massive rise in cases that may overwhelm the health system.
Almost 17 million adults, or 6.5 percent of the U.S. adult population, live in communities where covid-19 patients could overwhelm hospital beds, needing more than all available.
Are your hospitals at risk of being overwhelmed by covid-19 patients?
The takeaway, the researchers said, is that across the nation, “micro-geographies” of individual Zip codes or small towns have the potential to generate surges of covid-19 patients that could overwhelm even the most-prepared hospitals.
These events create patient surges that overwhelm hospital resources, space, and staff.
(Boris Johnson said, ")I know there will be many people looking now at our current success and beginning to wonder whether now is the time to go easy on those social distancing measures.(") The word success here will be controversial, even if he is using it narrowly in relation to moving through the peak and having not overwhelmed the NHS.
※英ジョンソン首相が2020年4月27日に職務復帰した際のスピーチに関する論評。the NHS = the National Health Service.
"So to move from where we are, which is sort of a mitigation strategy, trying to limit the number of people who are infected so it doesn't overwhelm the health system, to a containment strategy, where we're trying to identify people who have exposures, then we're not there. We're simply not there yet in terms of testing volume."https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-upda...
Late Wednesday, vice-president elect William Lai, who was a physician before entering politics, appealed on his Facebook page for calm, pointing out that lockdowns were for when there was a massive rise in cases that may overwhelm the health system.
Almost 17 million adults, or 6.5 percent of the U.S. adult population, live in communities where covid-19 patients could overwhelm hospital beds, needing more than all available.
Are your hospitals at risk of being overwhelmed by covid-19 patients?
The takeaway, the researchers said, is that across the nation, “micro-geographies” of individual Zip codes or small towns have the potential to generate surges of covid-19 patients that could overwhelm even the most-prepared hospitals.
These events create patient surges that overwhelm hospital resources, space, and staff.
(Boris Johnson said, ")I know there will be many people looking now at our current success and beginning to wonder whether now is the time to go easy on those social distancing measures.(") The word success here will be controversial, even if he is using it narrowly in relation to moving through the peak and having not overwhelmed the NHS.
※英ジョンソン首相が2020年4月27日に職務復帰した際のスピーチに関する論評。the NHS = the National Health Service.
日本語の「医療システムがパンクする」の「パンクする」は、元の語義(車などのタイヤのチューブに穴が空いてパンクすること)からの転用で、「度が過ぎて、正常に機能しなくなること」(小学館デジタル大辞泉 via goo辞書)の意味で用いられている用法である。
欧州、医療現場パンクの危機 新型コロナ感染拡大、各国試行錯誤
軽症者施設支援に交付金 医療機関パンクに備え政府方針 補正予算原案
---WIRED日本版, 2020年4月5日(記事本文はUS版からの翻訳だが、この引用部分は見出し直下のリード文の一部で、日本版独自の記述と思われる。)
日本語の「医療システムがパンクする」の「パンクする」は、元の語義(車などのタイヤのチューブに穴が空いてパンクすること)からの転用で、「度が過ぎて、正常に機能しなくなること」(小学館デジタル大辞泉 via goo辞書)の意味で用いられている用法である。