According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the main symptoms of coronavirus usually include:
A dry cough
A temperature
Shortness of breath (in more severe cases)
Tiredness に、よりフォーマルな lethargy が併置されている。
英語で「だるさ」に対応する表現は、tiredness の他に fatigue、exhaustion などがある。
We may expect to see an outbreak of post-viral fatigue syndromes in some people who have had covid-19, according to some researchers.
According to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association, as many as 98% of COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized had a fever, between 76% and 82% had a dry cough, and 11% to 44% reported exhaustion and fatigue.
直上の記事で exhaustion と fatigue の関係は、必ずしも明らかではない。ただし、新型コロナウイルスと無関係な次の引用のように、これらは特に区別なく使用される例がある。
But tiredness or exhaustion that goes on for a long time is not normal. It can affect your ability to get on and enjoy your life.
A dry cough
A temperature
Shortness of breath (in more severe cases)
Tiredness に、よりフォーマルな lethargy が併置されている。
英語で「だるさ」に対応する表現は、tiredness の他に fatigue、exhaustion などがある。
We may expect to see an outbreak of post-viral fatigue syndromes in some people who have had covid-19, according to some researchers.
According to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association, as many as 98% of COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized had a fever, between 76% and 82% had a dry cough, and 11% to 44% reported exhaustion and fatigue.
直上の記事で exhaustion と fatigue の関係は、必ずしも明らかではない。ただし、新型コロナウイルスと無関係な次の引用のように、これらは特に区別なく使用される例がある。
But tiredness or exhaustion that goes on for a long time is not normal. It can affect your ability to get on and enjoy your life.
英国のNHSは、一般人向けの情報提供記事では、新型コロナウイルス感染の症状として、だるさを認めていない*1。しかし、日本の厚生労働省は一般人向けのQ&A(最終更新: 2020年5月1日)でだるさを感染の症状と定義している。このQ&Aには英語版(最終更新: 2020年4月1日)が存在するので、参考に引用する。日本語版と英語版はメンテ状況が違うことは、それぞれの文章の品質にも影響していると思われる(傍線は引用者)。
日本語版 (5.Q1)
・ 風邪の症状や37.5度以上の発熱が4日以上続く場合(解熱剤を飲み続けなければならないときを含みます)
・ 強いだるさ(倦怠感)や息苦しさ(呼吸困難)がある場合
英語版 (1.Q8)
If you have had cold symptoms or a fever of 37.5°C or [sic] over for four days or more, or if you have a strong feeling of weariness (fatigue) or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing), please consult with the consultation center for people with potential exposure to COVID-19 set up at your nearest public health center.
英語版Q&Aは、日本語の「だるさ」を英語の weariness に、「倦怠感」を fatigue に対応させている。
日本語版 (5.Q1)
・ 風邪の症状や37.5度以上の発熱が4日以上続く場合(解熱剤を飲み続けなければならないときを含みます)
・ 強いだるさ(倦怠感)や息苦しさ(呼吸困難)がある場合
英語版 (1.Q8)
If you have had cold symptoms or a fever of 37.5°C or [sic] over for four days or more, or if you have a strong feeling of weariness (fatigue) or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing), please consult with the consultation center for people with potential exposure to COVID-19 set up at your nearest public health center.
英語版Q&Aは、日本語の「だるさ」を英語の weariness に、「倦怠感」を fatigue に対応させている。
Originally created by temmusu_n on 2020-05-05 (much appreciated!).
Original page deleted by nofrills on 2020-05-05 due to title change.
When you see different English words for one Japanese term, it'd be more useful to include in the title as many as words you think of. This is what you do when you are gathering examples (rather than editing).
Original page deleted by nofrills on 2020-05-05 due to title change.
When you see different English words for one Japanese term, it'd be more useful to include in the title as many as words you think of. This is what you do when you are gathering examples (rather than editing).