2020年の新型コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19) のパンデミックについての英語圏の報道記事やTwitterの投稿などから、翻訳に役立つ表現を蓄積していくことが、当Wikiの目的です。


※「(〜の)検査数を増加させる」と言い換え可能だろうか? (要確認)


ramp up testing (of 〜)


As they mourned the death of their colleagues, doctors’ and nurses’ groups attacked continuing shortages of protective equipment – from masks to gowns – and complained that there was still confusion despite fresh official guidance about their proper use. There were further calls to ramp up testing of NHS workers.

The target of ramping up tests in England to 100,000 a day by the end of the month “will be a big challenge”, say government advisers and senior civil servants. But they are confident it can be achieved.



NOW Corpus (https://www.english-corpora.org/now/) による検索では、「実数を持つ具体的な名詞」を目的語にとり、"ramp up the number of tests" という使用例が見られるが、ソースはどちらもこのパンデミックにかかわるニュース記事である。

Lab workers at the Animal and Plant Health Agency are in talks to move over to the NHS so they can use their skills helping with ramping up the number of tests we can do.

New York is now testing more people per capita than China and South Korea, Cuomo said. " We've done a great job of ramping up the number of tests, " but that also obviously leads to more positive cases, he noted.

NOW corpus では、ほぼ同じ文脈で "step up the number of tests" の例も認められた。
Spain virus death toll rises by 514 to 2,696. Another 514 people have died in Spain over the past 24 hours, raising the death toll to 2,696, as the number of infections surged towards 40,000, the government said Tuesday. As the health authorities step up the number of tests, the number of people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 rose by nearly 20 percent to 39,673, the health ministry said.
