2020年の新型コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19) のパンデミックについての英語圏の報道記事やTwitterの投稿などから、翻訳に役立つ表現を蓄積していくことが、当Wikiの目的です。




emotional [psychological] toll
※ 被害を与える事物 + take [inflict] an emotional toll on + 被害を受ける者 という形で用いられることが多い。


Take care of your own emotional health. Caring for a loved one can take an emotional toll, especially during an outbreak like COVID-19. There are ways to support yourself.

Responding to COVID-19 can take an emotional toll on hospital workers. Be sure to take care of yourself too.

Italy, Spain ICU pressures decline, but emotional toll rises.
The pressures on hospital ICUs in Italy and Spain may have eased in recent days as new virus cases decline. But the emotional and psychological toll the pandemic has taken on the doctors and nurses working there is only now beginning to emerge.

※上記記事のtwitterのリード文では、"the psychological toll on doctors and nurses" という表現が用いられている。

CNA's president & nursing experts in mental health will discuss the emotional & psychological toll the COVID-19 response is currently taking & may take on nurses in the future.
※看護師に向けたウェビナーの告知のtwitterから。"the emotional & psychological toll" から長い後置修飾語句が続いた名詞句となっている。


成句としてはもともと、被害を与える事物 + take one's toll on + 被害を受ける事物 という環境があり、その「被害を受ける対象」が人の「精神面・情緒面」の要素である場合に、その要素をemotional などの形容詞として取り出して、tollを修飾したもの、と考えられる。以下の記事太字部分を参照。

“Fear right now is just rampant because of the unknown,” says clinical psychologist Lori Whatley, Ph.D., author of Connected & Engaged: How to Manage Digital Distractions and Reconnect with the World Around You. Even settling down to focus and work is hard, she says. And the combination of stress, fear and other strong emotions, and the demands of home and work life can take their toll on mental health. Here are some steps to help protect your mental health during this challenging time
